What does 67 round to?

What does 67 round to?

67 rounded off to the nearest 10 is 70.

What is the nearest hundred of 6?

You are rounding up. All the other digits after the hundreds digit (tens and ones digit) go to zero in both cases. Example-1: Round 652 to the nearest hundred. The digit in the tens place is five or more, so the 6 is rounded up to 7.

How do you round to the 100 place?

The rule for rounding to the nearest hundred is to look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, then round up. If it is 4 or less, then round down. Basically,in each hundred, all numbers up to 49 round down and numbers from 50 to 99 round up to the next hundred.

What is to the nearest 100?

Rounding to the nearest 100 To round a number to the nearest 100, look at the tens digit. If the tens digit is 5 or more, round up. If the tens digit is 4 or less, round down. The tens digit in 3281 is 8.

What is the nearest to 67?

You can see 67 is between 60 and 70, but it’s closer to 70. So 67 is rounded up to 70.

What is 65 rounded to the nearest tenth?

65 rounded to the nearest ten is 70. To find this answer: Look at the number 65.

What is the nearest hundred of 841?

So 841 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800 .

What is the nearest hundred of 500?

Therefore the smallest number which when rounded to 500 is 450. The greatest number that round 500 to the nearest 100 would be 500 + 50 – 1 = 549.

What would 352 be rounded to?

If it was required to round 352 to the nearest ten, one might choose 350 or 360, but since 352 is closer to 350 than it is to 360 (352 – 350 = 2 and 360 – 352 = 8), 350 is the better approximation of 352.

What is 43 to the nearest 100?

To the nearest tens, 43 rounded to 40 . To the nearest hundreds, 619 rounded to 600 . To the nearest thousands, 3367 rounded to 3000 .

What is the nearest hundred of 954?

Answer: Too round 954, your going to find the hundreds place. Which would be 9.