What does fit booking mean?

What does fit booking mean?

Free independent travellers
Free independent travellers (FITs) are travellers who plan their own trips and prefer to travel alone or in small groups. They are the opposite of mass tourists, who travel in large groups and buy predefined travel packages.

What is FIT and GIT?

FIT and GIT are the terms used by the employees in the Tourism industry for the holiday packages. FIT stands for Free Independent Travelers and GIT stands for Group Inclusive Tour. FIT packages are for the smaller group of travelers who wish to travel at their pace and would like to customize as per their preference.

What does fit mean in hotels?

Free Independent Traveler
FIT refers to Foreign or Free Independent Traveler.

What is a fit booking carnival?

FIT Travel Agency Booking – Transfer to Another Travel Agency. This occurs when one travel agency is taking over a booking from another travel agency.

What does fit stands for?


Acronym Definition
FIT Frequency, Intensity, and Time
FIT Free Independent Traveler (travel industry)
FIT Fiber Innovation Technology (Johnson City, TN)
FIT Forum on Information Technology

What is a fit itinerary?

FIT originally was short for “foreign independent travel,” or leisure trips abroad without an escort or fixed package structure. Today FIT more commonly refers to as “flexible independent travel” – the components of the itinerary may resemble a package, but the itinerary is custom-built for the traveler.

What is a fit package?

What is full form of FIT Hotel?

FIT means Free Independent Traveler or Free Independent Tourist. A FIT is an individual or family or group less than 7 rooms travelling and vacationing with a self-booked itinerary. FIT travel is. not done as a member of a traditional guided tour.

What is fit tourist?

What does fit stand for in cruising?

FIT – Travel industry jargon that refers to individual bookings (FIT) as opposed to group travel. Originally an acronym for “Foreign Independent Travel,” it now more often refers to Fully (or Freely) Independent Travel.

Can I transfer my Carnival cruise reservation to a travel agent?

Bookings may be transferred to a Travel Agent up until 30 days from creation if the request is made outside of Final Payment period and the booking is not paid in full. If the transfer request involves a change in currency, we cannot accommodate a transfer.

What does a fit booking on a cruise mean?

It means that you’re not part of a group; if you didn’t book with a travel agent, you definitely are FIT. if you booked with an agent, you may not be or you might. Hmm. I googled NCL FIT bookings and there was a brief answer in a 2002 CruiseMates thread saying FIT bookings are wholesale bookings done through a TA.

What does fit mean in terms of travel?

FIT is defined as the independent travel and travel planning of a single person or family group. When people travel, there are many ways to go and equally many ways to see and experience a world of possible destinations. Despite there being so many options in travel and ways to experience destinations,…

How does the booking calendar work with classfit?

Integrate our booking calendar onto any page of your website within minutes for a look that’s professional with functionality that your clients will love. With no contracts to lock you in and customer service that runs 7 days a week, ClassFit is scheduling software with a difference.

What do you mean by fit in hospitality?

Without the burden of a group, you are free to travel when and where you please, which can be a benefit when a sprawling vineyard or charming villa beckons”. FIT is a chance to just this; go with less direction, scheduling, and group limitations.