What does germination range mean?

What does germination range mean?

The number of days to germination for your seeds is likely expressed as a range, such as seven to 14 days. This means that the majority of your seeds will sprout and emerge as tiny seedlings sometime between seven and 14 days. Some may germinate earlier or later than the indicated days to germination.

What is the percentage germination of the seed?

Germination percentage is an estimate of the viability of a population of seeds. The equation to calculate germination percentage is: GP = seeds germinated/total seeds x 100 . The germination rate provides an measure of the time course of seed germination.

How do you measure seed germination?

Calculating results To calculate germination percentage, divide the number of healthy seedlings by the total number of seeds in the test and multiply by 100. For example, if you started with 25 seeds and had 20 healthy sprouts, your germination rate would be 80%.

What is seed germination index?

Germination Index (GI) or, under field conditions, Emergence Index (EI) is an estimate of the time (in days) it takes a certain germination percentage to occur. The number of seedlings observed or counted that day is divided by the number of days after planting.

What does a high germination index mean?

‘High’ (the time at which the ma- jority of seeds germinate) and ‘low’ (the time at which the minority of seeds germinate) (Kader et al. 1998) germination events are also impor- tant indicators of seed vigour and stress resis- tance (Kader and Jutzi 2002).

What should the minimum temperature be for a seed to germinate?

Temperature, moisture, air, and light conditions must be correct for seeds to germinate. All seeds have optimal temperature ranges for germination (Table 1). The minimum temperature is the lowest temperature at which seeds can germinate effectively.

How can I tell if my seedlings are germinating?

Soil temperatures should be taken by inserting a soil thermometer 3-4 inches deep into the soil surface and noting temperature. Adapted from Kemble and Musgrove (2006). Some viable seeds might not germinate. Many seeds have developed a dormancy (or sleep) period.

What kind of light does a seed need to germinate?

4) Light/Darkness: One of the most important factors for a seed to germinate is the presence/absence of light. Seeds that respond to light for germination are called photoblastic. For example, seeds of plants like lettuce and tobacco need light for germination and are called positive photoblastic seeds.

What is the temperature of a hydrated seed?

Unlike enzyme reactions, the Q10 remains constant over a wide range of temperature at least up to 55 degrees C, and typically has a value in the region of 2.5-3.8. Hydrated seeds respond quite differently: high temperatures generally reinforce dormancy or may even induce it.