What does ilk mean in Scottish?

What does ilk mean in Scottish?

of the same
“Of that Ilk” is a term used in the Scottish nobility to denote a clan chieftain in some Scottish clans. The term of that ilk means “of the same [name]”, and is used to avoid repetition in a person’s title.

How do you use ilk in a sentence?

Ilk in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Only famous entertainers, athletes, and people of this ilk are allowed inside the VIP club area.
  2. Because I do not earn a huge salary like pro football players, rappers, and others of their ilk, I do not live in a mansion.

Does ilk mean sort?

Usage notes In modern use, ilk is used in phrases such as of his ilk, of that ilk, to mean ‘type’ or ‘sort. ‘ It often, though not necessarily, has negative connotations. The use arose out of a misunderstanding of the earlier, Scottish use in the phrase of that ilk, where it means ‘of the same name or place.

What is Ilk short for?


Acronym Definition
ILK Incremental Link
ILK Internationale Länderkommission Kerntechnik
ILK Institut fĂĽr Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
ILK Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH

How do you use the word ilk?

The word is used in sentences like “I’m tired of you and your ilk! When you say “you and your ilk,” you mean “you and everyone just like you.” And that’s not usually meant in a nice way. You probably wouldn’t talk about Nelson Mandela and his ilk — ilk sounds negative.

Is plague and pestilence the same?

Pestilence: The pestilence referred to the bubonic plague and it now refers to any epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating.

Does irk mean in texting?

to annoy
The definition of irk is to annoy.

What does you irk my soul mean?

annoy, vex, irk, bother mean to upset a person’s composure.