What does it mean when someone is a runaway?

What does it mean when someone is a runaway?

1 : one that runs away from danger, duty, or restraint : fugitive. 2 : the act of running away out of control also : something (such as a horse) that is running out of control. 3 : a one-sided or overwhelming victory.

What is a runaway winner?

a runaway success/victory/winner, etc something good that happens very quickly or easily.

What does being a victor mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : one that defeats an enemy or opponent : winner.

What does it mean if a boy runs away from you?

A man running away from you isn’t necessarily a bad sign: Maybe he just wanted a fling, and since he didn’t get what he wanted with you, he’s looking for someone else. He realised that you were not compatible in terms of lifestyle or personality and he also has the right to change his mind.

What is a runaway hit?

rising quickly in a way that is not under control: runaway prices/costs/inflation. runaway demand/growth/spending. highly successful: a runaway bestseller/favourite/hit The reality is that a new musical needs to be a runaway hit to survive the economics of Broadway.

What is a victor mindset?

Victor mentality believes that you are in control of your life and welcomes challenges, knowing they can be overcome with hard work. Seeing yourself as a victor in life leads to confidence and success. A victim complains that life is unfair whereas a victor acknowledges life is unfair to everyone.

Is Victor a name?

Victor is both a given name and a surname. It is Latin in origin meaning winner or conqueror. Although not directly associated with a Biblical name, Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christ’s victory over sin and death.

Why do I run away when I like someone?

Some people have probably gotten their heartbroken by someone else before and so they find it difficult to open up to another because they are scared it would all end in pieces, and even when they do open up and are in a relationship, they find it difficult to maintain it, hence they shy away from love.

What are runaway costs?

/ˈrʌnəˌweɪ/ us. rising quickly in a way that is not under control: runaway prices/costs/inflation. runaway demand/growth/spending.

What means Runaway Bride?

A runaway bride is a woman who cancels her wedding very close to the time of the ceremony or who even runs away from the ceremony itself.

How do you get a victor mindset?

Here are 12 ways to become the victor and not the victim:

  1. Recognize the self-loathing stage.
  2. Recognize when you start looking back at the past with regrets.
  3. Recognize when you are comparing your achievements to others.
  4. You aren’t happy with your success.
  5. You are becoming withdrawn.
  6. You start placing blame.