What does it mean when something is relative?

What does it mean when something is relative?

something having, or standing in, some relation or connection to something else. something dependent upon external conditions for its specific nature, size, etc. (opposed to absolute).

What is relative in English?

: a term (as father, predecessor, employee) which names either a relationship or an object as standing in a certain relation — compare absolute sense 9a.

What is a relative example?

Relative is defined as something connected, relevant or dependent on something else. An example of relative is evidence in a court case. An example of relative is calling six hours of sleep a good amount, after only getting four hours of sleep during many nights before. adjective. 12.

How do you use relative in a sentence?

Relative sentence example

  1. Only their relative wealth is different.
  2. Xander remained upstairs, letting her handle the set-up in relative peace.
  3. The relative strength of bodies of troops can never be known to anyone.

What does it mean when someone says relatively speaking?

relatively speaking. 1 : when compared to others that are similar The procedure was quick, relatively speaking. Relatively speaking, the movie wasn’t bad. 2 —used to say that something is true or correct as a general statement even if it is not entirely true or correct The trip was, relatively speaking, a disaster.

Is OK a relative term?

A relative term is typically expressed in ordinary language by means of a phrase with explicit or implicit blanks. Ok, when I read that, it doesn’t make any sense. BIG is the relative term here.

What is a relative opinion?

One’s opinion about something depends on the knowledge that person has. Relative : It means the notion depends on the relation of multiple subjects.

What is a synonym for relatively?

proportional, relative(adj) properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to’. “the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime”; “earnings relative to production”. Synonyms: proportional, comparative.

What does everything is relative mean?

The saying “Everything is relative” means that the way in which YOU (yes you, me, and everyone else) perceive the world is by way of an “Individual Experience” and the only way for each of us to comprehend or make sense of that “Individual Experience” is by comparing one thing to another.

What does relative to something mean?

Relative is defined as something connected, relevant or dependent on something else. An example of relative is evidence in a court case.

What are relative terms?

A relative term is any term that that can be specified with a degree or quantity or amount or some other range, but is used in a categorical way, without a reference. She is really smart.