What does it mean when your MCV and MCH are high?

What does it mean when your MCV and MCH are high?

What Do High MCH Levels Mean? Your MCH will reflect your MCV. That means you’ll have more hemoglobin if your red blood cells are larger than normal. Red blood cells can grow too large when you have fewer of them than normal — a condition called macrocytic anemia.

Why would someones RDW be high?

If your RDW is too high, it could be an indication of a nutrient deficiency, such as a deficiency of iron, folate, or vitamin B-12. These results could also indicate macrocytic anemia, when your body doesn’t produce enough normal red blood cells, and the cells it does produce are larger than normal.

Does high MCV mean liver cancer?

Elevated MCV level was related to an increased risk of liver cancer mortality in men (aHR, 3.55; 95% CI, 1.75-7.21).

What happens when MCV is high?

If someone has a high MCV level, their red blood cells are larger than usual, and they have macrocytic anemia. Macrocytosis occurs in people with an MCV level higher than 100 fl . Megaloblastic anemia is a type of macrocytic anemia.

Can high MCV mean cancer?

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measure of the average volume of red blood cells, and as well as being an indicator of folate and vitamin B12 deficiency, elevated MCV has been linked to the incidence of several cancers.

How high is too high for RDW?

A low RDW means your red blood cells are all about the same size. A high RDW means you have both very small and very large red blood cells. You may also have a “normal” RDW. A normal RDW range is 12.2%–16.1% for women and 11.8%–14.5% for men.

What causes a High RDW?

High RDW levels can also be caused due to the use of performance enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids or protein injections. Dehydration can also be another factor that contributes to high RDW. In such a case, the plasma gets decreased and as a result the count of red blood cells increases.

What medications cause high MCV?

MCV is raised by phenytoin, metformin, sulfasalazine, ziduvidine and chemotherapeutics drugs like methotrexate.

What are the symptoms of High RDW?

While some of the diseases with RDW show no symptoms, there are certain symptoms that should be left unattended. Some of the common symptoms associated with high RDW are mentioned below. Symptoms related to anemia like numbness, pale skin or dizziness. Weakness due to the deficiency of vitamins or iron.

What is High RDW value?

High value of RDW. If the value of RDW is higher than the normal range means more than 14.5%, then it indicates the size of the red blood cells are varied too much. This occurs with different medical conditions and need to identify the underlying cause of this variation.