What does P stand for on the periodic table?

What does P stand for on the periodic table?

Atomic Names and Symbols

Atomic Number Symbol Name
15 P Phosphorus
78 Pt Platinum
94 Pu Plutonium
84 Po Polonium

What is C and Si on the periodic table?

Carbon group element, any of the six chemical elements that make up Group 14 (IVa) of the periodic table—namely, carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), and flerovium (Fl).

Is SI symbol an element?


What element has a symbol of K?

The name is derived from the english word potash. The chemical symbol K comes from kalium, the Mediaeval Latin for potash, which may have derived from the arabic word qali, meaning alkali. Potassium is a soft, silvery-white metal, member of the alkali group of the periodic chart.

Is phosphorus a metal or a nonmetal?

Phosphorus is a nonmetallic element that exists in several allotropic forms (see below). It is found in the Earth’s crust at a concentration of 1000 ppm, making it the 11th most abundant element.

What is the most useful element?

Silicon is one of the most useful elements to mankind. Most is used to make alloys including aluminium-silicon and ferro-silicon (iron-silicon).

What is the element name of SI?

Silicon is a chemical element with symbol Si and atomic number 14. Classified as a metalloid, Silicon is a solid at room temperature.

Is Si a metal?

Silicon is neither metal nor non-metal; it’s a metalloid, an element that falls somewhere between the two. Silicon is a semiconductor, meaning that it does conduct electricity.

Is K metal or nonmetal?

Potassium is a soft, silvery-white metal, member of the alkali group of the periodic chart.

Why is potassium symbol K?

The word potassium stems from the English “pot ash,” which was used to isolate potassium salts. We get K from the name kalium, given by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth, which stemmed from alkali, which stemmed from the Arabic al-qalyah, or “plant ashes.”

Why is phosphorus called the devil’s element?

Phosphorus was discovered in 1669 by Hennig Brand in Germany. Only the white allotrope or form of phosphorus glows in the dark. Some texts refer to phosphorus as the “Devil’s Element” because of its eerie glow, tendency to burst into flame, and because it was the 13th known element.

How do humans use phosphorus?

Function. The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth. It plays an important role in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats. It is also needed for the body to make protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues.