What does volume definition mean?

What does volume definition mean?

1 : the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound also : loudness. 2 : the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object as measured in cubic units (such as quarts or liters) : cubic capacity — see Metric System Table, Weights and Measures Table.

What is managed volume?

Definitions. A local NTFS file system 5.0 volume whose disk space is managed by Remote Storage. Remote Storage frees up disk space by automatically moving infrequently accessed files to a remote storage device.

What is rubrik managed volume?

Customers leverage the Rubrik Elastic App Service, also known as Managed Volumes, technology to backup everything using homegrown scripts. With an SLA Managed Volume, Rubrik automates the complete process of beginning and ending snapshots, as well as the script definition, which can be simply assigned to an SLA Domain.

What does volume mean in restaurants?

In the food service industry, sales volume equates to the number of food related items or beverages sold within a particular time period. For example, in a restaurant, sales volume for one evening would total the number of appetizers, salads, entrees, sides, desserts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages sold.

What is the volume of a box?

To find the volume of a box, simply multiply length, width, and height — and you’re good to go! For example, if a box is 5×7×2 cm, then the volume of a box is 70 cubic centimeters.

What is a Rubrik relic?

Unlike some other backup systems, Rubrik backups (aka snapshots) are immutable once created. Instead, they are turned into “relics” inside of Rubrik and aged out over time based on the pre-assigned policy.

What is a Rubrik brick?

Rubrik is a solution delivered in an appliance form factor, named a “Rubrik brick”. Rubrik is Long-Term Retention ready and offers to offload older backups to public cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Azure Blobstore or Amazon Glacier.

What qualifies as a high volume restaurant?

“At a high-volume restaurant you’re dealing with a broad set of services, including multiple beverage offerings, foods, pastries,” says Natale Servino, the manager and co-owner at Servino Ristorante, in Tiburon, California, which puts out over 1,000 meals every day during the tourist season.

What are the Frequently Asked Questions for the volume licensing service center?

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Volume Licensing Service Center are divided into logical topics to help you quickly find answers to your questions. A brief summary of each FAQ is provided below.

What is the name of the volume service?

YOUR-APP is the name of the app for which you want to use the volume service. SERVICE-NAME is the name of the volume service instance you created in the previous step. USERNAME and PASSWORD are the username and password for the LDAP server.

How to file volume of servicing report ( vosr )?

In order to facilitate compliance with the filing requirements of Section 419.12, the Department has developed the Volume of Servicing Reporting System (VOSR). To access the VOSR and filing instructions, you must create a portal account.

How to access the volume service from your app?

To access the volume service from your app, you must know which file path to use in your code. You can view the file path in the details of the service binding, which are available from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. See VCAP_SERVICES. To access the volume service from your app: