What happens when blue light passes through a green filter?

What happens when blue light passes through a green filter?

The secondary colors of light are those colors which are formed when two primary colors are mixed in equal amounts. Mixing blue and green light results in cyan light. Mixing red and blue light results in magenta light.

Which colours can pass through a green filter?

If you pass white light through a red filter, then red light comes out the other side. This is because the red filter only allows red light through. The other colours (wavelengths) of the spectrum are absorbed. Similarly, a green filter only allows green light through.

What happens when you shine white light through a green filter?

When white light passes through a coloured filter, all colours are absorbed except for the colour of the filter.

What color filter blocks green light?

red filter
A red filter blocks green light and blue light: Only red light can get through to your eyes.

What color is green in blue light?

Coloured light

White paper Green apple
Appearance of object in red light Red (only red light to reflect) Black (no green light to reflect)
Appearance of object in green light Green (only green light to reflect) Green
Appearance of object in blue light Blue (only blue light to reflect) Black (no green light to reflect)

What color light can pass through a blue filter?

A blue filter absorbs all light whose wavelength does not fall within the range of blue light; hence, all objects seen through a blue filter appear blue. A red filter works in the same way; only red light is allowed to pass through.

What happens when white light passes through a blue filter?

When white light shines on a red object, all of the colors that form the white light are absorbed except red, which is reflected. So when blue light is allowed through a blue filter onto a blue object, the object will still reflect blue and therefore appear blue. …

What happens to light particles that are a different color as the filter when they hit the filter?

When white light passes through a coloured filter, all colours are absorbed except for the colour of the filter. For example, an orange filter transmits orange light but absorbs all the other colours. If white light is shone on an orange filter, only the orange wavelengths will be observed by the human eye.

What color does a green apple reflect?

A green apple reflects primarily green while absorbing red and blue. objects absorb them all. Most artificial lighting does not contain the entire spectrum of colors.

What colour will a blue shirt appear with a green filter?

cyan light
In this situation, we begin with only blue and green primary colors of light (recall that cyan light consists of blue and green light). From this mixture, we must subtract blue light. After the subtractive process, only green light remains. Thus, the shirt will appear green in the presence of cyan light.

What is a complementary color of blue?

The complement of pure blue is pure yellow. Medium blue is opposite orange. Depending on what shade of blue you start with and how many intermediate colors you go through, you can match it up with colors from pinkish-red to yellow-green.