What is 12 less than 3 times a number?

What is 12 less than 3 times a number?

12 less than 3 times the number will be (3x−12) ( 3 x − 12 ) .

What is 12 less than a number?

12 less than a number means to subtract 12 from that number. So, 12 less than 20 is 8 , because is 20−12 , 12 less than 12 is 0 , because it’s 12−12 , and so on.

What is the product of twelve and a number?

12- = 2 3 2 12x = 3 2 12 = x 3.

How do you write the product of 3 and a number?

1 Answer

  1. “The product of a number and three” should be 3n where n is the number.
  2. IN the answer of the question you would have to explain something like this: Let n be the number. The product then is 3n .
  3. The reason for this is that you could also let m stand for the number, in which case the answer would be 3m .

What does 5y mean in math?

Thus, 5y means “5 times y” and 2(x + 1) means “2 times the whole expression (x + 1).” Also, from this point forward, I will usually use the symbol “” to indicate multiplication, because it’s too easy to mix up the other multiplication symbol, , with the variable x.

Which algebraic expression represents a number decreased 7?

Algebraic Expressions With Example Problems and Interactive Exercises

Phrase Expression
fourteen decreased by a number p 14 – p
seven less than a number t t – 7
the product of 9 and a number n 9 · n or 9n
thirty-two divided by a number y 32 ÷ y or

What is the quotient of 3 and a number?

the quotient of three and a number n translates to 3 divided by the number n, given the quotient indicates division or a fraction.

Which way do the greater than signs go?

The greater than symbol means the number on the left is greater than the number on the right. The greater than or equal symbol means the number on the left is greater than or equal to the number on the right. The less than symbol means that the number on the left is less than the number on the right.

How do you write the product of a number?

In mathematics, a product is a number or a quantity obtained by multiplying two or more numbers together. For example: 4 × 7 = 28 Here, the number 28 is called the product of 4 and 7. As another example, the product of 6 and 4 is 24, because 6 times 4 is 24.

How do you write 12 times a number?

“Twelve times a number” means that you are taking a number x and multiplying it by 12, so your mathematical expression would be 12x.

What is the product of any number and zero?

a⋅0=0 The product of any number and 0 is 0.