What is a picket line?

What is a picket line?

A picket line is the description given to those who gather outside or near the entrance of the workplace. These include striking workers, workers locked out by their employer and trade union representatives.

What are picket lines used for?

Picketing is a common tactic used by trade unions during strikes, who will try to prevent dissident members of the union, members of other unions and non-unionised workers from working. Those who cross the picket line and work despite the strike are known pejoratively as scabs.

What does picket pin mean?

1 : a short stake driven into the ground for tethering a horse. 2 West : any of several species of small ground squirrels of the genus Citellus which when sitting erect and motionless resemble a stake at a short distance.

What are picket lines and signs?

A picket sign indicates that the union has a dispute with the employer, whether over the contract, the employer’s unlawful conduct, or some other dispute. As we all know, the best way to address disputes against the employer is through worker solidarity.

What happens if you cross picket line?

Simply put, a strike is a planned work stoppage that occurs when the members of a union collectively agree to refuse to work until their demands are met. The teams who crossed the picket lines have incredibly strong unions backing them and enjoy the benefits of said unions’ lucrative collective bargaining agreements.

What happens if I cross the picket line?

A “scab,” as CTU defines it, is anyone who crosses picket lines to go to work. “The action of scabs undermines our strength and solidarity,” the union states on its website. If the accused is found guilty, they may be suspended or expelled from the union.

How do you spell Pickett?

a post, stake, pale, or peg that is used in a fence or barrier, to fasten down a tent, etc. a person stationed by a union or the like outside a factory, store, mine, etc., in order to dissuade or prevent workers or customers from entering it during a strike.

Why should you not cross a picket line?

Honoring a picket line shows your support for the picketing workers, their union, and the labor movement as a whole. Refusing to cross a picket line tells the employer that unless they end their dispute with the employees there will be no business as usual.

What do you call someone who crosses a picket line?

A strikebreaker (sometimes called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike. “Strikebreakers” may also refer to workers (union members or not) who cross picket lines to work.

What kind of stake do you need for a picket line?

Our Picket Line Kit is comprised of a steel picket stake with a swivel top, a single neoprene picket hobble and a 30′ cotton rope to attach the two. The stake, or picket pin, has a swivel so that as your animal walks around, it doesn’t create a mess of coils or unravel the rope.

How did the picket pin get its name?

Developed as a trout fly for western waters in the early 1900’s (1910-1915) by Jack Boeme, it gets it’s moniker from the nickname of the animal whose fur was used in the pattern. Ground squirrels or gophers were given the nickname of “picket pins” by cowboys, because of their habit of standing upright in the fields.

What do hobbles and picket pins do for horses?

Hobbles allow them to graze with a sense of security. A single leg hobble can be used with a picket line or you can use a two-leg or three-leg hobble and let them graze. Some like High lines. On a high line, your stock can walk around in a circle, lie down and even roll.

What’s the best way to picket a horse?

Picket lines can provide you with a safe, easy way to graze your stock in the backcountry. Our Picket Line Kit is comprised of a steel picket stake with a swivel top, a single neoprene picket hobble and a 30′ cotton rope to attach the two.