What is a SmartArt diagram?

What is a SmartArt diagram?

A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information and ideas. You create one by choosing a layout that fits your message. Some layouts (such as organization charts and Venn diagrams) portray specific kinds of information, while others simply enhance the appearance of a bulleted list.

Which type of smart art is used to show information about the connections?

Insert SmartArt

SmartArt Graphic Types
Relationship Illustrate connections.
Matrix Show how parts relate to a whole.
Pyramid Show proportional relationships with the largest component on the top or bottom.
Picture Create a SmartArt graphic that incorporates pictures.

Which SmartArt graphic type is used to present data showing continual process?

Convert Text to a SmartArt Graphic

SmartArt Graphic Purposes
Type Purpose
Cycle Show a continual process
Hierarchy Show a decision tree or create an organization chart
Relationship Illustrate connections

Which of the SmartArt graphic layout has a purpose to show non-sequential information?

Lists are typically used to show non-sequential information. They are perhaps the most obvious “quick win” layout when it comes to using SmartArt in PowerPoint.

What types or categories of diagrams does SmartArt make available?

Layout types. The Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery displays all available layouts broken into eleven different types — All, List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid, Picture, Office.com, and Other. (The Office.com type shows additional layouts available on Office.com.

What is the SmartArt in MS Word?

SmartArt is a type of graphical tool included in the latest versions of Word. SmartArt is, basically, a way to make organized presentation art. Word displays the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box.

How many types of smart art are there?

Layout types. The Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery displays all available layouts broken into eleven different types — All, List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid, Picture, Office.com, and Other.

What is the function of Smart art?

SmartArt allows you to visually communicate your important ideas and information. For example, you can use SmartArt graphics to depict processes, hierarchies, relationships and so on. By using SmartArt to communicate information, you can create visually-appealing diagrams that can say so much more than words alone.

What action should you take to show the SmartArt text pane?

Show or Hide the Text Pane Click the Design tab under SmartArt Tools. Do any of the following: Show. Click the Text Pane button, or click the control with two arrows along the left side of the SmartArt graphic selection to show the Text pane.

What is the SmartArt type that shows non sequential information?

List is a SmartArt type layout type that illustrates a non-sequential information. The other layout types include Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid and Picture.

What are the 8 types of SmartArt graphics?