What is an example of biogeography?

What is an example of biogeography?

A large-scale example of biogeography includes the splitting of Pangea (all the Earth’s continents were one large land mass). Another famous example of biogeography in practice was in the study of Galapagos finches by the famous biologist and father of the theory of evolution and natural selection, Charles Darwin.

What is the biogeography meaning?

Biogeography is defined as the study of the distribution of animals and plants in space and time and is widely used to characterise the different biomes on Earth. From: Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2012.

What are the three main fields of biogeography?

Biogeography relies heavily on biology, ecology, population biology, evolutionary biology, and Earth Sciences.


Who is the father of biogeography?

Alfred Russel Wallace
Much of this knowledge has emerged from the tremendous body of work from one scientist, Alfred Russel Wallace (Figure 1), widely regarded as the “Father of Biogeography.” Aside from co-originating the process of Natural Selection with Charles Darwin, Wallace spent extended periods studying the distribution and …

What is the evidence of biogeography?

Biogeography, the study of the geographical distribution of organisms, provides information about how and when species may have evolved. Fossils provide evidence of long-term evolutionary changes, documenting the past existence of species that are now extinct.

What is biogeography used for?

Why is biogeography a pattern?

Biogeographic patterns result from environmental influences interacting with historic legacies and biotic characteristics. Yet, global patterns in species traits or growth forms can be clearly associated with specific environmental conditions (e.g., giant rosette plants, trait variability in Solanum).

What is biogeography and what does it provide?

Biogeography is the study of the distribution of life forms over geographical areas. Biogeography not only provides significant inferential evidence for evolution and common descent, but it also provides what creationists like to deny is possible in evolution: testable predictions.

What is the scope and significance of biogeography?

Scope and Nature of Biogeography Biogeography is closely related to ecology which is the study of the inter-relationships between organisms and their habitat. The organism home or habitat could vary from a small micro habitat such as under a stone or a leaf to Biomes which could be a tropical rainforest or desert.

What does biogeography include?

Over periods of ecological changes, biogeography includes the study of plant and animal species in: their past and/or present living refugium habitat; their interim living sites; and/or their survival locales.

What does a biogeographer do?

A biogeographer’s main focus is on how the environment and humans affect the distribution of species as well as other manifestations of Life such as species or genetic diversity. Biogeography is being applied to biodiversity conservation and planning, to projecting global environmental changes on species and biomes,…