What is an example of consistency?

What is an example of consistency?

The definition of consistency means thickness or something stays the same, is done in the same way or looks the same. An example of consistency is a sauce that is easy to pour from a pitcher. An example of consistency is when paint is applied uniformly so that the wall looks the same from one side to the other.

What is the meaning of being consistent?

1a : marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction a consistent style in painting. b : marked by agreement : compatible —usually used with with statements not consistent with the truth.

What is consistency in life?

Consistency is also about being regular and steady. You have to put in consistent work in order to see results. This is true of everything in life from your work life to home life to social life. You need to put in the effort and results will follow.

What is the meaning of work consistency?

Consistency usually implies a positive sense of dependability. If you show consistency at the work place, your manager can depend on you. Definitions of consistency. a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts.

What is consistency in love?

“Consistency is a combination of behaviors that include dependability, trust, and a true desire to have a companion and form a serious relationship.” Catchings adds, “People who are more consistent with their interactions with one another, such as having predictable behaviors and good communication, have longer and …

Who is a consistent person?

Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something. He has never been the most consistent of players anyway. … If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other.

What is the importance of consistency?

Consistency develops routines and builds momentum. It forms habits that become almost second nature. For example, think about one of your goals. It requires consistent effort to push toward that goal.