What is beryl worth?

What is beryl worth?

Pale yellows and yellow-greens don’t see high demand. Stones up to 10 carats with richer colors retail for up to $150 per carat, while those 10 carats or larger could fetch up to $265 per carat. Gems with greater clarity can also command higher prices.

Where is beryl found in Australia?

The New England area of New South Wales has produced most of the gem-quality beryl, emerald and aquamarine. The largest deposit is found in the Emmaville area, but there are deposits near Inverell, Dundee and Glen Innes.

Why is beryl so rare?

Why Is Red Beryl So Rare? Red beryl is a rare mineral because its formation requires a unique geochemical environment. First, the element beryllium must be present in large enough amounts to form minerals. Second, manganese must be present and available at the same time and location.

What rock does beryl form in?

Beryl minerals are made of beryllium aluminum silicate: Be3Al2(Si6O18). They form in granite pegmatite rocks and hydrothermal carbonate veins and cavities, where hydrothermal processes have modified the granitic composition. Beryls can also be found in gem-gravel placer (alluvial) deposits.

Is beryl a precious stone?

It is one of the most important gem minerals, and the gems of beryl are named by their color as: emerald (green), aquamarine (greenish blue to blue), morganite (pink to orange), red beryl (red), heliodor (yellow to greenish yellow), maxixe (deep blue), goshenite (colorless), and green beryl (light green).

Is beryl mined?

No large deposits have been found, and much of the production is a by-product in the mining of feldspar and mica. Although the amount of beryl mined fluctuates from year to year, it has increased rather steadily since 1930.

Where are diamonds found?

The following countries produce industrial grade diamonds: Australia, Botswana, Brazil, China, Congo, Russia and South Africa. Geologically speaking, natural diamonds are found in two environments. Most are found in kimberlites, which are pipe-like formations created as a result of volcanic and tectonic activity.

Is red beryl rare?

Red beryl is the rarest variety of the large beryl family whose better-known varieties include emerald and aquamarine. To put its rarity into perspective, only one red beryl is mined for every 150,000 diamonds, and a two carat red beryl is considered as rare as a 40 carat diamond.

Where was beryl first found?

Colorless beryl is called goshenite. The name originates from Goshen, Massachusetts, where it was originally discovered.

Is green beryl expensive?

There are sources that claim green beryls cost only $1-2 per carat. I wouldn’t value them that low. At least not the nice quality green beryls. I have seen some really nice quality green beryls selling for about $10-22 per carat (transparent, lustrous gemstones of 12 to 31 carats).