What is foreign literature and foreign studies?

What is foreign literature and foreign studies?

Foreign literature studies concerns the comprehensive research of literature in the language of the country it was written in that includes the study of the regional and historical circumstances in which it was written.

What are the difference between foreign and local literature?

Foreign studies are foreign researches, studies, thesis, surveys or any other methods. While local studies are studies or investigations akready completed to which the present study is related. They are usually unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses and dissertations conducted in research publications.

What is local literature?

What is Local Literature? Local literature is an informative booklet or other means of information that informs people about the local environment.

What is foreign literature?

Foreign Literature. The study of ‘foreign literature’ would be the study of significant works (poems, novels, plays, even works of philosophy) written in foreign languages, and ‘foreign studies’ would be the study of the society and culture of other countries than the speaker’s own.

What is the example of foreign literature?

Answer: Study of any foreign literature requires acquisition of the language that literature was written in. For example, in order to study in the field of American and English literature criticism, studies in modern English and business English is carried out concurrently with other studies.

Why do we have to use foreign literature in our studies?

You can explore commentary on foreign politics, society and stereotypes. Additionally, you can learn about new historical events and cultures. Each author has their own style and nuance in their writing, and opening the door to foreign literature can introduce you to thousands of them.

How do you find local literature?

Where to search when doing a literature review

  1. Start with research databases. Scopus and Web of Science are good databases to start with for any research topic and literature review.
  2. Focus your search with specific databases.
  3. Find books, theses and more.

What is the difference between local study and local literature?

Studies are where actual experiments are performed and/or data are collected and analyzed. Literature is a more general term that includes not only published studies, but also other things like abstract theoretical discussions, opinions, policy statements by government or other agencies, etc.

What are two examples of foreign literature?

Give examples. Answer: The writings of foreign travellers, explorers and scholars constitute foreign literature and such writings are called foreign literary sources.

Why do we need foreign literature?

Foreign literature can change the way we think or interact with those around us. It can be a voice for the voiceless, giving decent human beings the representation they deserve. Ultimately, an enormous bout of interest can help raise awareness for issues across the globe that need exposure.

What are the foreign literary sources?

Indigenous sources are those available within the country describing various spheres like culture ,religion,administration etc. e.g Vedas etc. Where as the foreign literary sources are those historical accounts written by the foreign writers like Indika by Megasthenes.