What is Hkey in registry?

What is Hkey in registry?

The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes key contains settings that apply only to the interactive user. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key provides a view of the registry that merges the information from these two sources. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT also provides this merged view for applications designed for previous versions of Windows.

How do I access Hkey?


  1. Open Registry Editor. Executing the regedit command in the Run box is a quick way to get there.
  2. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the left-hand side of Registry Editor.
  3. Double-click or double-tap HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to expand the hive, or use the small arrow to the left.

Where is my Hkey local machine?

How to Access HKEY Local Machine Systems

  1. Click “Start,” type “regedit” in the search window and press “Enter.” This opens the Windows registry editor.
  2. Click to expand “Computer” in the left-hand pane of the registry editor.
  3. references. Microsoft Support: Windows Registry Information for Advanced Users.

What is the registry on a computer?

The Registry contains information that Windows continually references during operation, such as profiles for each user, the applications installed on the computer and the types of documents that each can create, property sheet settings for folders and application icons, what hardware exists on the system, and the ports …

Why is it called Hkey?

As already said above, the ‘H’ in ‘HKEY’ really stands for ‘hive’. Hive Files – These are a set of files where permanent parts of the Registry are stored. They store data for four keys i.e. SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE and DEFAULT; and are saved in %System32%\Config, normally updated with user each login.

What is the difference between Hkey_current_user and Hkey_local_machine?

HKEY_CURRENT_USER vs HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE The main difference between HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is what they pertain to. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE holds information that is relevant to the computer as a whole while HKEY_CURRENT_USER contains information that is specific to the user.

How do I find the registry key of a program?

How to Find a Program’s Registry Key

  1. Backup the Registry using the Backup utility before doing anything with it.
  2. Click on “Start,” choose “Run” and type “regedit” in the Run window that opens.
  3. Click on “Edit,” select “Find” and type in the name of the software.

Do I need to clean my registry?

The short answer is no – don’t attempt to clean the Windows Registry. The Registry is a system file that holds lots of vital information about your PC and how it works. Over time, installing programs, updating software and attaching new peripherals can all add to the Registry.

What does the H stand for in HKEY?

As already said above, the ‘H’ in ‘HKEY’ really stands for ‘hive’. Hive Files – These are a set of files where permanent parts of the Registry are stored.

Where are .REG files located?

On Windows 10 and Windows 7, the system-wide registry settings are stored in files under C:\Windows\System32\Config\ , while each Windows user account has its own NTUSER.


How to Get to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Being a registry hive, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is easy to find and open using the Registry Editor tool included in all versions of Windows: Open Registry Editor . Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the left-hand side of Registry Editor .


The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, or HKLM, is part of the Windows registry, which is a database containing all computer and user information.

How do I get to/find this HKEY_USERS?

HKEY_CURRENT_USER is a registry hive, one of the easier types of things to find in Registry Editor : Open Registry Editor . Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER in Registry Editor, from the pane on the left. Double-tap or double-click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER, or single click/tap the small arrow or plus icon on the left if you want to expand it.

What is HKEY CURRENT config?

HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, sometimes shortened to HKCC, is a registry hive that’s a part of the Windows Registry. It doesn’t store any information itself, but instead acts as a pointer, or a shortcut, to a registry key that keeps information about the hardware profile currently being used.