What is mortify in the Bible?

What is mortify in the Bible?

2 : to subdue or deaden (the body, bodily appetites, etc.) especially by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or discomfort mortified his body for spiritual purification.

What is an example of mortify?

To mortify is to shame or humiliate, or to practice self-denial. When you make a fool of someone in public and embarrass him, this is an example of a time when you mortify him. When you deny yourself a special pleasure as part of a religious fast, this is an example of a way to mortify yourself.

What is the meaning of the root word mortify?

The root of the verb mortify is from the Latin word mors, which means “death.” To mortify something used to mean to destroy its life, but now mortify is mostly used when you feel so ashamed or embarrassed you “want to die.” To punish yourself through deprivation from food or another desire, you can mortify that …

What does feeling mortified mean?

: feeling or showing strong shame or embarrassment Hermione and Ginny both clapped their hands over their mouths.

What is the difference between mortified and embarrassed?

Mortify is somewhat milder suggesting humiliation from an unpleasant situation. Ex – The coach was mortified due to his team’s poor performance. Embarrass means to make uncomfortably self-conscious. Ex – His rude behavior embarrassed his colleague.

What is the difference between the words mortified and embarrassed?

“Mortified” is an antonym of “embarrassed”. “Embarrassed” is more intense and has a more negative connotation than “mortified”. “Mortified” is more intense and has a more negative connotation than “embarrassed”.

What is obsequious behavior?

characterized by or showing servile obedience and excessive eagerness to please; deferential; fawning: an obsequious bow;obsequious servants. obedient; dutiful.

What is the difference between embarrassment and humiliation?

Embarrassment too, is a self-consciousness feeling that arises when a person is caught doing something wrong, stupid, or unmoral in private, whereas humiliation is a strong feeling of mortification. Our feelings, in general, all have a purpose and are there for a reason.

What does spirit of mortification mean?

The Roman Catholic Church has often held mortification of the flesh (literally, “putting the flesh to death”), as a worthy spiritual discipline. The purpose of mortification is to train “the soul to virtuous and holy living” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, article on Mortification).

Is mortified and embarrassed?

To be mortified is to be extremely embarrassed. You’re mortified when you’re so ashamed or embarrassed that you wish you could just shrivel up and die — kind of like mortified flesh, actually. Though people get embarrassed often, being mortified is a little more rare and a lot more severe.