What is Sir Francis Drake known for?

What is Sir Francis Drake known for?

Sir Francis Drake participated in some of the earliest English slaving voyages to Africa and earned a reputation for his privateering, or piracy, against Spanish ships and possessions. In 1588, Drake served as second-in-command during the English victory over the Spanish Armada.

What things did Sir Francis Drake discover?

He discovered that Tierra del Fuego, the land south of the Magellan Strait, was not another continent as Europeans believed, but instead a group of islands. This meant that ships could sail between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans around the bottom of South America (later known as the Cape Horn route).

How much did Francis Drake steal?

Capture of Spanish treasure ships Near Lima, Drake captured a Spanish ship with 25,000 pesos of Peruvian gold, amounting in value to 37,000 ducats of Spanish money (about £7m by modern standards). Drake also discovered news of another ship, Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, which was sailing west towards Manila.

What was the impact of Sir Francis Drake?

Sir Francis Drake’s adventurous life was filled with many accomplishments. He played a major role in the destruction and defeat of the mighty Spanish Armada. This helped England to create a great empire in the New World. He also became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.

What did Sir Francis Drake do wrong?

7. Drake is often (incorrectly) credited for introducing the potato to England after his circumnavigation of the globe. The first potatoes to reach England were most likely brought by the Spanish by the 1570s (a decade before Drake’s travels).

How much did Drake steal from the San Felipe?

This he failed to do, but he did capture the great carrack Sño Felipe , bound from Goa to Lisbon, which was valued at £114,000; Drake’s personal share of this prize was £14,000, and the Queen took over £40,000.

What impact did Sir Francis Drake have on the world?

Why was Francis Drake Knighted quizlet?

Sir Drake was knighted for his achievements, he was a knight because he followed orders. What happened to the ship he sailed across the world in? He set the Spanish ships on fire and the spanish fleet was delayed for a year.

What was Sir Francis Drake’s most important voyage?

The Circumnavigation of the World
The Famous Voyage: The Circumnavigation of the World, 1577-1580. Drake was noted in his life for one daring feat after another; his greatest was his circumnavigation of the earth, the first after Magellan’s. He sailed from Plymouth on Dec. 13, 1577.

Who is Drake’s current girlfriend?

Drake has reportedly been mentoring his new girlfriend Johanna Leia’s son about dealing with fame.