What is the 4th smallest country in the world?

What is the 4th smallest country in the world?

The World’s 100 Smallest Countries

Rank Country Size (mi²)
1 Vatican City 0.19
2 Monaco 0.78
3 Nauru 8.1
4 Tuvalu 10

What is the 2nd smallest country in Europe?

Top 10 smallest countries in Europe

Country Area (km2)
1. Vatican City 0.44 km2
2. Monaco 1.95 km2
3. San Marino 61 km2
4. Liechtenstein 160 km2

What are the 10 smallest countries in the world?

The world’s ten smallest countries in terms of area fall into two general categories: European micro-states – Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City. Small island nations of the Indian Ocean, Pacific, and Caribbean – Maldives , Marshall Islands, Nauru , St. Kitts and Nevis , and Tuvalu .

What is the seventh smallest country in the world?

The Marshall Islands are the world’s seventh smallest country and are 70 square miles in area. The Marshall Islands is made up of 29 coral atolls and five main islands that are spread out over 750,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean. The Marshall Islands are located about halfway between Hawaii and Australia.

What is the wealthiest nation on Earth?

By that measure, the wealthiest nation is either Qatar or Luxembourg, depending on which source you look at. If you don’t count the really small countries (say, with populations under 5 million), then the wealthiest countries are Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States.

Which is the smallest country in Whole Wide World?

Vatican City, officially called The Holy See, is the smallest country in the world and is located within a walled area of the Italian capital city of Rome. Its area is only about .17 square miles (.44 square km or 108 acres).