What is the difference between the largest and smallest two digit prime number?

What is the difference between the largest and smallest two digit prime number?

Answer: The largest two-digit prime is 97; the smallest two-digit prime is 11.

What is the difference between biggest and smallest numbers?

The range of a data set is the difference between the largest and smallest values in the set.

What is the difference between largest 4 digit and smallest 2 digit number?

Step by Step Explanation: Thus, 9999 becomes the greatest 4-digit number. Thus, 10 becomes the smallest 2-digit number. According to the question, we have to find the difference between the greatest 4-digit number and the smallest 2-digit number. So, 9999 – 10 = 9989.

What is the difference between the smallest and the largest single digit prime number?

2 and 7 are the smallest and largest single-digit primes. The product of the first 27 Mersenne prime exponents (minus one) is a 27 reversed-digit prime.

What is the smallest four digit number?

The smallest 4-digit number is 4569. Remember that 1000 is the smallest 4-digit number.

What is the 3-digit smallest prime number?

Answer: 101 is the smallest 3-digit prime number.

Which is the smallest 3 digit number or the greatest 2 digit number?

Smallest 3 – digit number = 100 Greatest 2 – digit number = 99 Therefore, required difference =100−99= 1 Roman numeral of 1 is I,

What is the difference between the greatest and smallest number formed?

With the digits 4, 2, 5, 3, 1 and 7 the largest Number that could be formed is 754321 and the smallest number that could be formed is 123457, since each digit has be used once in both the cases. Now subtracting 123457 from 754321, we get 630864, which is the required answer.

Which is the largest sum of two n digit numbers?

For largest: The answer will be 2 * (10N – 1) because the series of sum of two n digit numbers will go on like 2 * 9, 2 * 99, 2 * 999, … If N = 1 then the answer will be 0. If N > 1 then the answer will be 2 * (10N – 1) because the series of sum of two n digit numbers will go on like 0, 20, 200, 2000, …

Which is the largest two digit number in base 2?

The largest two-digit number in base-2 (binary number system) is 11, which is number 3. The smallest three-digit number in base-2 is 100, which is number 4. The largest two-digit number in base-10 (decimal number system) is 99, which is number 99.