What is the highest type of recorder?

What is the highest type of recorder?

Alto. The alto recorder is largest and lower than the soprano, but higher than the tenor.

What is the highest pitched instrument?

What Are the Highest-Pitched Instruments?

  • The highest-pitched orchestral instrument is the piccolo, but there are some other impressive musical instruments that can reach high ranges.
  • Flutes are a member of the woodwind family that is perhaps the most well-known instrument for producing high pitches.

What is the range of an alto recorder?

three octaves
Home on the Range The alto recorder has a range of almost three octaves. On the staff, it would be G3-F5. The alto recorder sounds lower than the soprano, but higher than the tenor. Its mellow sound is pleasant as a solo instrument, or in ensembles.

What is the difference between alto and soprano recorder?

The alto recorder is based on the pitch F and is a little longer and more expensive than soprano recorders. The soprano recorder is a fifth higher and based on C. The alto is great for older, advanced students and teachers, while the soprano is perfect for beginners and carrying the melody.

Are wooden recorders better than plastic ones?

The main difference between plastic and wooden instruments is the sound. Wooden recorders have such a rich, colourful tone quality compared to plastic recorders. There is more resistance in wooden recorders, and often they are easier to play than plastic ones, especially on the lowest notes.

What is the lowest sounding recorder?

Recorders are made in various sizes with names and compasses roughly corresponding to various vocal ranges. The sizes most commonly in use today are the soprano (aka “descant”, lowest note C5), alto (aka “treble”, lowest note F4), tenor (lowest note C4) and bass (lowest note F3).

What is the weirdest instrument?

The 10 strangest musical instruments

  1. 1 The Great Stalacpipe Organ.
  2. 2 The Blackpool High Tide Organ.
  3. 3 The road that plays Rossini.
  4. 4 Musical ice.
  5. 5 The Cat Piano.
  6. 6 Aeolus Acoustic Wind Pavilion.
  7. 7 The Musical Stones of Skiddaw.
  8. 8 The Singing Ringing Tree.

What instrument has the lowest pitch?

The double bass is the biggest and lowest pitched instrument in the string family. The deep, very low sounds of the double bass are often used to help hold together the harmonies and to help carry the rhythm. There are 6-8 double basses in an orchestra. A standard double bass is just over 6 feet in length.

What is the easiest recorder to play?

Probably the two most common recorder voices that beginners learn to play are soprano and alto; which one you might choose could depend on a number of factors. We recommend that you begin on the alto recorder. The alto is a great choice if you plan to play in a group with other recorder players.

Is the recorder a serious instrument?

For most of us, a plastic recorder was the first musical instrument we encountered back in elementary school, and for that reason it’s something we tend to think of as a childhood toy. However, the recorder is actually a serious instrument, with a rich history that goes back to ancient times.

Which wood is best for a recorder?

Relatively soft woods, such as maple, pear, or other fruit woods often produce a very warm tone but less volume than denser materials. Very hard woods such as ebony or grenadilla may give an instrument more volume and brilliance.

Why do recorders sound so bad?

So why the bad reputation? One reason is that many school music teachers aren’t trained recorder players. They can play some notes, but they might lack proper technique. Like any instrument, the intricacy of fingering, breath pressure and tonguing to perfect intonation and sound quality needs to be learnt.