What is the main reason to carefully analyze the crime scene?

What is the main reason to carefully analyze the crime scene?

The main reason to carefully analyze the crime scene is to learn what happened and to gather evidence that can be used to identify and, ultimately, convict the people responsible.

Why is it important to forensic investigators the stage of hair growth of fibers found at a crime scene?

Because hairs can be transferred during physical contact, their presence can associate a suspect to a victim or a suspect/victim to a crime scene. Comparison of the microscopic characteristics of questioned hairs to known hair samples helps determine whether a transfer may have occurred.

What is the main purpose of fiber evidence in an investigation?

As such, fiber evidence is considered circumstantial evidence and strengthens any additional circumstantial or solid evidence against a suspect. When two objects come in contact during the commission of a crime there is transfer of material from one individual to another.

Why is it so important to complete a detailed and thorough record of a crime scene?

One of the most important of these is documenting the crime scene. In many cases, poor scene documentation can lead to inadmissible evidence in a court of law, or missed evidence that may allow a guilty party to get away with a crime against persons or property.

What is the limitation of hair without the follicle?

What are the limitations of the information that hair can provide? Hair is considered class evidence. Alone (without follicle cells attached), it cannot be used to identify a specific individual.

What is the hairs most characteristic forensic feature?

what remains the hair’s most characteristic forensic feature? Cuticle — outer covering of hair consisiting of scales that come in 3 shapes: imbricate, coronel, and spinous.

What are three main recognized ways to analyze fibers?


  • 1.1 Scanning electron microscopy.
  • 1.2 Atomic force microscopy.