What is the setting of the Iliad story?

What is the setting of the Iliad story?

The story the Iliad takes place on the battlefields of the city of Troy. The people of troy know the feeling of war very well they battle between the Trojan’s and Acherons. The war has been going on for over 9 years, and the feud has not yet ended.

Where did the Iliad and the Odyssey take place?

Although historical, archaeological, and linguistic evidence suggests that the epics were composed between 750 and 650 b.c.e. , they are set in Mycenaean Greece in about the twelfth century b.c.e. , during the Bronze Age.

Why is the setting of the Iliad important?

The time and place of The Iliad are both important to the story since they each contribute to the poem’s theme that war is a persistent element of human affairs. The geography of the poem also keeps the Trojans and the Greeks locked in battle, contributing to the protracted nature of the war.

When was the Iliad set?

The Iliad takes place during the Trojan War, which is a legendary conflict between the Greeks and Troy, dated by later Greek authors to the 12th or 13th century BCE. The historical accuracy of the Trojan War is debated, some believing that while Troy may have existed, a war on such a large scale is improbable.

What is the setting in Odyssey?

Setting (place)Odysseus’s wanderings cover the Aegean and surrounding seas and eventually end in Ithaca, in northwestern Greece; Telemachus travels from Ithaca to southern Greece.

What is the resolution of Iliad?

The epic ends with the death and burial of the Trojan warrior, Hektor. The events after the Iliad that lead to the fall of Troy are not a part of the poem. After the burial of Hektor, the Trojans call on outside forces for help, and the Greeks lose many warriors.

What is the plot of the Iliad?

The Iliad plot is an episode in the long story of the war. Helen, the wife of a Greek king, Menelaos , has been abducted by Prince Paris (son of King Priam ) and taken back to Troy. The Greeks have laid seige to the city and its surrounding cities for a decade, and while many of Troy’s allies have fallen to defeat and slavery,…

How does the Iliad begin?

The Iliad begins: The Judgement of Paris. On the Greek side, the story of the Iliad begins with the wedding of Peleus, a mortal, and Thetis , a goddess. These two become the parents of Achilles. At their wedding, Eris, the goddess of strife, throws down a golden apple with the message, “For the Fairest.”.

What is the origin of the Iliad?

Iliad, ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer , from Latin Iliad-, Ilias, from Greek, from Ilion Troy.

How can the Iliad be described as an epic?

The Iliad is characteristic of epic poetry first because it is quite long, and also because it tells of tremendous battles on Earth (between humans) and how the Gods (on Olympus) interfere. This transcendence of mundane events, where supernatural and earthly beings interact, is quite common in epic poetry.