What is up in Spanish feminine?

What is up in Spanish feminine?

¿Qué pasa
¿Qué pasa? is probably the most common way to say What’s up?, though there are many other ways you can say it.

What is up in Mexican slang?

‘ respectively, ¿qué pedo? And ¿qué onda? are questions you’ll hear all the time in Mexico. While they both mean ‘what’s up? ‘, ¿qué pedo? is perhaps slightly more accusative than ¿qué onda?, which is friendlier in tone. Similarly, if someone is buena onda or buen pedo, it means they’re nice.

What’s up in Spanish Colombia?

Quiubo is a contraction of qué hubo (what’s been going on?). Parce is a shortened version of parcero/a. Colombians will sometimes simply say “¿Quiubo?” when you want to say “what’s up?”

What is que tal mean?

It means “What’s up” in general.

How do you respond to what’s up in Spanish?

A cutesy way of answering ¿Qué pasa? is Nada, nada, limonada….It’s Not All About You.

Nada. ¿Qué pasa contigo? Nothing. What’s going on with you? / What’s up with you?
Lo mismo. ¿Qué pasa contigo? Same old, same old. What’s going on with you? / What’s up with you?

Is Guey a bad word?

Although the word is not always offensive nor an insult between friends, its usage is generally considered uneducated. Thus its usage is limited mostly to friends and trusted acquaintances or among young people.

Is Cabrona a bad word?

Well, “cabrona” is not a nice word (unless you two are jokking). It is very rude word, it is strong, a very strong insult.

What are some slang words in Spanish?

The 10 Best Slang Expressions In Spanish

  1. Mucha mierda. Meaning: break a leg.
  2. Ponerse las pilas. Meaning: get cracking; put one’s skates on.
  3. Hablar por los codos. Meaning: to be a chatterbox.
  4. Estar piripi. Meaning: to be tipsy.
  5. Echar una mano.
  6. Dejar plantado / dar plantón.
  7. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
  8. Llueve sobre mojado.

How do Colombians say hello?

The common verbal greeting is “Buenos dias” (Good day), “Buenas tardes” (good afternoon) or “Buenas noches” (good evening/night) depending on the time of day. The formal title to greet people with is ‘señor’ (mister) for men and ‘señora’ (missus) for women.

How do you compliment a Colombian girl?

Colombia is salsa, good coffee, beautiful people, culture, and amazing biodiversity….Living and Loving In Colombia.

Spanish English
¡Qué bonito(a) eres! How cute you are
Me gusta tu sonrisa I like your smile
Me gustan tus ojos I like your eyes
¡Bailas muy bien¡ You dance very well