What means 1337?

What means 1337?

1337 is a language for internet users known for replacing letters with numbers or symbols. The term itself has gone on as a slang term for “extremely skilled (at gaming or computing)” or, more generally, “awesome.”

Why is 1337 Elite?

The term “leet” is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking. The leet lexicon includes spellings of the word as 1337 or leet.

What leat means?

: an artificial water trench especially leading to or from a mill.

What historical event happened in 1337?

When did the Hundred Years’ War start? By convention, the Hundred Years’ War is said to have started on May 24, 1337, with the confiscation of the English-held duchy of Guyenne by French King Philip VI.

Is pwn a bad word?

The internet slang term “pwned” is used both online and offline as a gloating expression of dominance, control, or victory. If you’ve been pwned, you’ve been defeated by an opponent, often in a humiliating fashion. Being pwned carries connotations of great failure on the loser’s part.

What does pwn noobs mean?

transitive verb (especially in video gaming) utterly defeat (an opponent or rival); completely get the better of. ‘I can’t wait to pwn some noobs in this game’

What is a leat system?

A leat (also lete or leet, or millstream) is the name, common in the south and west of England and in Wales, for an artificial watercourse or aqueduct dug into the ground, especially one supplying water to a watermill or its mill pond.

What is pwn short for?

Definition for PWN

Definition: To Own (i.e., To Dominate or To Control)
Type: Cyber Term
Guessability: 4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does AOE mean in age of Empires?

Rank Abbr. Meaning. AOE. Age Of Empires (Microsoft game) AoE. ATA Over Ethernet (Storage Area Network Protocol) AOE. Area of Effect (gaming) .

What does 13 : 37 in Urban Dictionary mean?

Similar to 1337 or leet, but in time. So it’s elite o’clock. *Looks at clock * It’s 13:37, guess it’s time to go own some noobs. Get a 13:37 mug for your brother Paul.

What do you mean by AoE in RPG?

AoE means Area of Effect. In older RPGs, each attack had an Area of Effect value. A value of [1] meant the attack targeted 1 ‘unit of space’ (generaly tiles from the battle area).

What does 1337 mean on the elite calculator?

1337 = leet as in elite (type 1337 on a calculator and turn it upside-down) It can mean that someone is very good at a game, or anything really. It’s the opposite of noob, as in newbie.