What means factious?

What means factious?

: of or relating to faction: such as. a : caused by faction factious disputes. b : inclined to faction or the formation of factions. c : seditious.

What do you call someone who doesn’t take things seriously?

lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.

What is a factious person?

factious Add to list Share. A factious group is one that breaks away, or wants to. It’s often used in politics, where people separate into smaller like-minded groups. The Confederacy was factious — they wanted out of the Union, but we know how that turned out.

What do you call a person who talks without thinking?

impulsive Add to list Share. If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through.

What’s the word for doing something without being asked?

deliberately. freely. intentionally. spontaneously.

What sarcastic word has all 5 English vowels?

The word Iouea, a genus of sea sponges, contains all five regular vowels and no other letters.

What does it mean to be a facetious person?

Be the best writer in the office. What does facetious mean? It has a Latin word meaning “jest” at its origin. Facetious can refer to anyone or anything intended to be amusing or funny but that comes off as inappropriate or annoying. Facetious people are frivolous, silly, not meant to be taken literally.

Is there such a thing as a facetious comment?

Neither facetious nor sarcastic comments are meant literally, but the aim of facetiousness is humor. Sarcasm involves cutting or sneering remarks that have mocking or contemptuous undertones. In short, sarcasm is mean, but facetiousness is only annoying. If you are looking for a synonym of facetious , sarcastic is a little harsh.

What does fractious mean in relation to facetious?

HevanaHerald.net. Fractious and factious have the least to do with facetious. Fractious often describes irritable and quarrelsome children or organizations that are disorderly and difficult to control. Factious refers to a state of division or dissention. Fatuous is the closest in meaning to facetious.

What’s the difference between sarcasm and facetiousness?

Sarcasm involves cutting or sneering remarks that have mocking or contemptuous undertones. In short, sarcasm is mean, but facetiousness is only annoying. If you are looking for a synonym of facetious , sarcastic is a little harsh.