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What type of surgery is performed to treat glaucoma?
Glaucoma surgeries include the delicate, microscopic incisional trabeculectomy (with or without ExPRESS microshunt implantation), tube shunt implantation (a shunt is a glaucoma drainage device), and cyclophotocoagulation . There are also newer procedures called MIGS, or minimally invasive glaucoma surgery .
What is the most common surgery for glaucoma?
Trabeculectomy, still considered the gold standard in glaucoma surgery (commonly performed today with an antimetabolite such as mitomycin-C), remains the most commonly performed glaucoma surgery, with a high success rate in most groups and glaucoma diagnoses, especially in the hands of an experienced surgeon.
What is glaucoma eye surgery?
Glaucoma surgery is a procedure intended to reduce eye pressure in an effort to help stabilize vision and prevent future vision loss resulting from glaucoma. This is accomplished by creating a new opening for fluid to drain from the eye — or, by implanting a shunt to help drain the fluid.
What is a trabeculectomy operation?
Trabeculectomy is a type of glaucoma surgery performed on the eye that creates a new pathway for fluid inside the eye to be drained. This is an outpatient procedure performed in the operating room. It is used to prevent worsening of vision loss due to glaucoma by lowering eye pressure.
How long does it take to go blind from glaucoma with treatment?
Even with treatment ,15% to 20% of patients become blind in at least one eye in 15 to 20 years of follow-up.
What is the recovery time for a trabeculectomy?
Unlike laser surgery, trabeculectomy takes about 4-6 weeks to heal completely. Vision may be blurry for about 6 weeks. About 50% of patients undergoing this surgery most probably don’t require medications to lower intraocular pressure.
What should I avoid after glaucoma surgery?
Although many people can return to normal activities shortly after glaucoma surgery, most ophthalmologists advise patients to avoid heaving lifting, straining and bending for a couple weeks. Periodic checkups are required to monitor the patient’s progress.
What is considered dangerously high eye pressure?
Ocular hypertension is an eye pressure of greater than 21 mm Hg. Although its definition has evolved through the years, ocular hypertension is commonly defined as a condition with the following criteria: An intraocular pressure of greater than 21 mm Hg is measured in one or both eyes at two or more office visits.
What are the side effects of trabeculectomy surgery?
What are the risks of a trabeculectomy?
- postoperative infection.
- drooping eyelid.
- double vision.
- swelling.
- bleeding.
- developing a hole near the operation site.
- scarring.
- low IOP (hypotony)
Are glaucoma drops for life?
Treatment needs to be carried out for life. Glaucoma can be controlled, but there is currently no cure. When medication is chosen, eye drops are usually prescribed. Some of the drops need only be used once daily while some require twice or three times a day dosing.
Will I go blind if I have glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a serious, lifelong eye disease that can lead to vision loss if not controlled. But for most people, glaucoma does not have to lead to blindness. That is because glaucoma is controllable with modern treatment, and there are many choices to help keep glaucoma from further damaging your eyes.
When do stitches come out after trabeculectomy?
The suggested time for suture removal is within the first two postoperative weeks.