What was the purpose of the Iliad and the Odyssey?

What was the purpose of the Iliad and the Odyssey?

The Iliad tells the story of the Greek struggle to rescue Helen, a Greek queen, from her Trojan captors. The Odyssey takes the fall of the city of Troy as its starting point and crafts a new epic around the struggle of one of those Greek warriors, the hero Odysseus.

Why is the Iliad important to Greece?

The Iliad, an epic poem by Homer, provides a unique insight into both Greek history and the formation of a Greek identity. Beyond its significance for promoting a historical understanding of a Greek identity, The Iliad also serves as a lesson in warfare in modern days.

What is the main problem in the Iliad?

Achilles The main conflict in The Iliad is caused from the hubris, or excessive pride, of the main character, Achilles. Achilles is the Greek equivalent to Michael Jordan. Achilles was an amazing man and often regarded as one of the mightiest warriors in Greek mythology.

What does Iliad mean in English?

1a : a series of miseries or disastrous events. b : a series of exploits regarded as suitable for an epic. 2 : a long narrative especially : an epic in the Homeric tradition.

What is the significance of the Iliad?

Significance of the Iliad. The Iliad is more than just a story about ancient heroes, gods, and goddesses. For the Greeks of later centuries, the poem was a history of their ancestors that also revealed moral lessons about heroism, pride, revenge, and honor.

Why did Homer write the Odyssey and Iliad?

The main idea of Homer’s The Odyssey is to teach the audience about the flaws of man and that if one does not overcome these flaws and continues to make the same mistakes because of them, they may lead to death. One main idea in The Odyssey, by Homer, is persistance is key to survival.

Who is Homer in Iliad?

Homer ( /ˈhoʊmər/; Ancient Greek: Ὅμηρος Greek pronunciation: [hómɛːros], Hómēros) is the legendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey , two epic poems that are the central works of ancient Greek literature . The Iliad is set during the Trojan War , the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek kingdoms.

Who is Iliad in the Odyssey?

Along with The Odyssey, The Iliad is a part of the oldest collection of epic poetry in history. The Iliad is and ancient Greek poem that, like the Odyssey, is purported to have been created by a man named Homer.