Which event escalated the central conflict in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

Which event escalated the central conflict in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

The many issues of racial equality discussed in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry coalesce in the major conflict of the novel, when Papa and Uncle Hammer must repay their loan in order to retain ownership of their land.

How is the conflict resolved in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

The final resolution in the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry proves to be bittersweet. In the end, T.J. is hunted down by the “night men,” also known as the lynch mob. In the dark of night, the night men arrive at his house, terrorize T.J.’s family, the Averys, and beat T.J. profusely.

What is the main idea of the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

The overarching story of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry describes the success of the Logan family. The Logan family is successful in maintaining its hold on its farmland, in fighting back against racism; finally, the Logan family is successful in that it survives.

Who is the main antagonist in roll of thunder?

The antagonists are the white landowners, shopkeepers and their children with whom Cassie and her siblings must interact. If the Blacks do not behave as required, they can expect to be threatened and humiliated by the whites or even tormented and tortured by the night riders.

Why did TJ tell Mr Kaleb that Mrs Logan was an unfit teacher?

Because T.J was annoyed that Mrs. Logan had failed him in a test where she saw him cheating, he went to the Wallace store, and there, he accused Mrs. Logan of being the reason why their store was not buzzing with customers. He also told Mr. Kaleb that Mrs. Logan intentionally failed him.

Why does Miss Crocker say Mama is biting the hand that feeds her?

Why does Miss. Crocker say mama is “biting the hand that feeds” her? She covered the white childrens’s names in the book. Grimes does this for the white children’s entertainment.

Why did Cassie cry at the end of the story?

Cassie cries for T.J. at the end of the book because even though she does not like him, she is sad that he will be on the chain gang for crimes that he did not commit.

Why does Cassie become so angry at Mr Barnett?

Cassie became angry and Mr. Barnett because he waited on her after all the white people. Mr. Barnett is the shopkeeper in Strawberry.