Which is bigger the Indian or African elephant?

Which is bigger the Indian or African elephant?

An Indian elephant is smaller than an African savanna elephant — but not by much. On average, an adult male is about 21 feet long, 10 feet tall at the shoulder and tips the scales at 5.5 tons. The ears of the Indian elephant are much smaller than those of African elephants and resemble the shape of India itself.

Which type of elephant is larger?

African savanna elephant
The African savanna elephant is the largest elephant species, while the Asian forest elephant and the African forest elephant are of a comparable, smaller size. Asian elephants differ in several ways from their African relatives, with more than 10 distinct physical differences between them.

What is the tallest elephant?

African bush elephant
The African bush elephant is the largest land mammal in the world and the largest of the three elephant species. Adults reach up to 24 feet in length and 13 feet in height and weigh up to 11 tons. As herbivores, they spend much of their days foraging and eating grass, leaves, bark, fruit, and a variety of foliage.

Which is bigger elephant or giraffe?

Next to the giraffe in terms of height is the elephant, specifically the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana). Given the overall size of bush elephants — they weigh about 13,448 pounds (6,100 kilograms) — they’re even more difficult to prey on than giraffes.

What is the lifespan of an Indian elephant?

48 years
How long does an Indian Elephant live? The lifespan of this elephant species ranges between 45 to 70 years. On average, these animals live for 48 years.

Which elephant is more aggressive?

Males have more aggressive and less sociable personalities than females in semi-captive Asian elephants.

How tall is a elephant?

Asian elephant: 2.8 m
African bush elephant: 3.2 m

What was the biggest prehistoric elephant?

Biggest Elephant – The Steppe Mammoth (10 Tons) primigenius, aka the Woolly Mammoth—the Steppe Mammoth may have weighed as much as 10 tons, thus putting it out of reach of any of the prehistoric humans of its middle Pleistocene Eurasian habitat.

How much does an elephant cost?

A baby would cost around $100,000, an adult $80,000. Unfortunately, we can’t buy any of the elephants we see here.

What is the biggest elephant seal ever recorded?

Southern elephant
These seals are famous for being big. They are the biggest of pinnipeds – bigger even than walruses – there being a record of a giant male Southern elephant seal that was between 6.5 and 6.8 m long and weighed over 4000 kg (Carwardine 1995).

How tall is an elephant in Ft?

What is the biggest animal that ever lived?

the blue whale
Far bigger than any dinosaur, the blue whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. An adult blue whale can grow to a massive 30m long and weigh more than 180,000kg – that’s about the same as 40 elephants, 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex or 2,670 average-sized men.