Which language is in the Indo-European family?

Which language is in the Indo-European family?

It turns out that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hittite, Old Irish, Gothic, Old Bulgarian, Old Prussian, and other languages share surprising attributes, meaning that most European languages and many of the languages of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India belong to the Indo-European family.

How many languages are in the Indo-European family?

There are about 445 living Indo-European languages, according to the estimate by Ethnologue, with over two-thirds (313) of them belonging to the Indo-Iranian branch. All Indo-European languages are descended from a single prehistoric language, reconstructed as Proto-Indo-European, spoken sometime in the Neolithic era.

Which languages are parts of the Indo-European language family quizlet?

Terms in this set (10)

  • Indo-European. The language family spoken by most people on earth today is.
  • language family. Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese are all part of the same.
  • Indo-Iranian, Romance, Germanic.
  • Indo-European languages.
  • Khoisan.
  • Mandarin Chinese.
  • Uralic.
  • Sino-Tibetan.

What are the 4 Indo-European languages?

Branches. The Indo-European language family has four main living branches: Indo-Iranian, Balto-Slavic, Germanic, and Italic.

Which culture regions do Indo European languages predominate?

Indo European is the predominant langauge family of Euorpe, Latin America, Norht America, South Asia, and South Pacific.

Which of the following is a language family?

These 9 most popular language families are: Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European, Altaic, Niger-Congo, Dravidian, Sino-Tibetan, Japanese, Austro-Asiatic, and Austronesian.

What are the five original languages?

They are classical Chinese, Sanskrit, Arabic, Greek, and Latin. In comparison with these, even such culturally important languages as Hebrew and French sink into a secondary position.