Which of the following best explains the relationship between Antonio and Felix answer choices for the above question?

Which of the following best explains the relationship between Antonio and Felix answer choices for the above question?

Which of the following best explains the relationship between Antonio and Felix? Even though there’s a lot of friction between them, they tolerate each other. They were jealous of each other from the time they were children.

Who are the characters in the Amigo brothers?

Major Characters

  • Antonio Cruz. Antonio is tall and lanky—a naturally skilled technical boxer.
  • Felix Vargas. Felix is short and stocky—not as technically skilled as Antonio, but a powerful slugger.
  • Positivity.
  • Purity of Sports.

Who won the boxing match in Amigo brothers?

Example “Amigo Brothers” Story Prediction After the fight, both boys left without waiting for the final result. They congratulated each other and went home to clean up and get some rest. The next morning, the boys read about the fight in the local paper. Felix won the match, 30-29.

What do Felix and Antonio have in common throughout Amigo brothers?

The only thing they have in common is boxing. They only hang out because they live close to each other. They recently met and developed a friendship.

What did Felix do to psyche himself up for the fight?

How does Felix attempt to psyche himself for the big fight? Watching a fight movie, he sees himself as the champ and Antonio as the challenger. What can you infer? “Antonio danced in carefully.

What do Antonio and Felix mean by pulling punches?

Holding back. What does “pulling punches” mean? Training in separate places and living in different places. What is the problem that the boys realize about their tournament? Felix proposes that they should not talk or see each other until the tournament.

What is the moral of Amigo brothers?

A theme from “Amigo Brothers” is: “True friendship can overcome even the most difficult of obstacles. Explanation: Antonio and Felix are incredible boxers and are also good friends. For years, they trained and developed different styles of combat.

What is the moral of the story Amigo brothers?

Whoever wins will compete in the championship. The best friends promise that they will treat each other as opponents but won’t let this fight get in the way of their friendship.

What is the main theme of Amigo brothers?

A theme from “Amigo Brothers” is: “True friendship can overcome even the most difficult of obstacles. Explanation: Antonio and Felix are incredible boxers and are also good friends.

What is special about the friendship between Antonio and Felix?

What is special about the friendship between Antonio and Felix? Answer: They were so together in friendship that they felt like brothers. They had known each other from childhood.

Why is the fight so important to Felix and Antonio?

What agreement do Antonio and Felix make while jogging? boxing is so important to the boys because they don’t want to live in the bad part of town and they want to to the the golden gloves competition.

What is the main conflict of the story Amigo brothers?

The main conflict in the story is that of ambition. Both Antonio and Felix want to be champions. But only one of them can be a champion. So they decide to fight it out.