Why do you think Jekyll lied about the letter to Mr Utterson?

Why do you think Jekyll lied about the letter to Mr Utterson?

Jekyll lying about the fact that he knows/is Mr. Utterson because it gives him a big shock when finds out that his friend has been lying to him. This lie also effects Dr. Lanyon because the shock of it kills him.

How does Mr Utterson know Dr Jekyll?

What do you want?” Utterson explains that he is an old friend of Dr. Jekyll’s, and Hyde coldly tells him that Jekyll is away. Utterson asks to see Hyde’s face clearly, and Hyde consents if Utterson will explain how he knew him. “We have common friends,” Utterson says.

What does Mr Utterson find in the letter?

Summary — Chapter 4: “The Carew Murder Case” The police find a letter addressed to Utterson on the dead body, and they consequently summon the lawyer. He identifies the body as Sir Danvers Carew, a popular member of Parliament and one of his clients.

What does Utterson learn in the letter from Jekyll?

In the short chapter titled “Incident of the Letter” Mr. Utterson learns that Dr. Jekyll’s nemesis has promised in writing to disappear forever and that he will avoid capture by the police, which will make it impossible for Dr. Jekyll’s name to get involved in any way with the Carew murder.

Why did Jekyll forged letters?

Jekyll has forged the letter to cover up for the evil Mr. Hyde.

Why is Utterson even more worried about Jekyll At the end of chapter 2?

Utterson is shocked by the sense of evil coming from him. Utterson goes next door to warn his friend, Jekyll, against Hyde, but is told by the servant, Poole, that Jekyll is out and the servants have all been instructed by Jekyll to obey Hyde. Utterson is worried that Hyde may kill Jekyll to benefit from the will.

Why does Mr Utterson want to see Mr Hyde’s face?

Utterson wants to see Hyde’s face so he can identify and potentially arrest him in the future.

What advice did Jekyll ask for Hyde’s letter from Utterson?

The letter is from Hyde, and it says that Jekyll should feel “no alarm for his safety, as he had means of escape on which he placed a sure dependence.”

Why does Utterson say God forgive us?

Why does Utterson say “God forgive us.” It reveals Utterson’s desperation. He is asking God to forgive him and Enfield for seeing this horrible event and just walking away without confronting Jekyll or helping him.

What did Mr Utterson discover when he went to Dr.Jekyll’s house?

What did Mr. Utterson discover when he went to Dr. Jekyll’s house? Utterson mentions the will, and Jekyll begins to make a joke about it, but he turns pale when Utterson tells him that he has been “learning something of young Hyde.”

Why does Dr.Jekyll lie to Mr Hyde?

In contrast, Jekyll lies to Utterson, defending Hyde with a fake letter. Here, for the first time, the reader begins to see hypocrisy in Dr. Jekyll. He claims to be a loyal and honest man, but in fact he is a liar and forger.

What did Dr.Jekyll say to Utterson in the incident of the letter?

“And now one word more: it was Hyde who dictated the terms in your will about that disappearance?” The doctor seemed seized with a qualm of faintness; he shut his mouth tight and nodded. “I knew it,” said Utterson. “He meant to murder you.

Why did Jekyll turn pale when Utterson mentioned the will?

Utterson mentions the will, and Jekyll begins to make a joke about it, but he turns pale when Utterson tells him that he has been “learning something of young Hyde.” Jekyll explains that the situation with Hyde is exceptional and cannot be solved by talking.