Why is remote sensing important in archaeology?

Why is remote sensing important in archaeology?

In recent years, remote sensing has received considerable attention since it can assist archaeological research, along with other sciences, in order to extract valuable information to the researchers based only on non-destructive and non-contact techniques.

What is remote sensing and what is its relevance to archaeology?

Some of the most significant innovations to archaeology have been in the realm of remote sensing. Remote sensing refers to the ability to collect information about places or objects at or under the surface of the ground, usually without having to disturb the ground.

How does remote sensing and satellite imagery help archaeologists in Egypt today?

By using satellite imaging technology, Parcak can survey archaeological sites on a much broader scale and focus her excavation efforts, which saves her team money, time, and resources. Parcak’s data predict that less than one percent of ancient Egypt has been discovered and excavated.

What are the remote sensing techniques?

Remote Sensing Techniques

  • Active Sensors. LiDAR. Radar. InSAR. PSInSAR. SAR. SRT. SqueeSAR.
  • Passive Sensors. Aerial Photography. FLIR. Geodetic Survey. Hyperspectral Imaging. Long-Wave Infrared. Multispectral Imaging. Near Infrared Surveys. Oblique Aerial & Ground Visible Band & Thermographic Imaging. Radiometrics. SWIR.

What are 3 remote sensing tools?

Remote Sensing Techniques

  • LiDAR.
  • Radar. InSAR. PSInSAR. SAR. SRT. SqueeSAR.

How are remote sensing techniques used for archeological research?

Remote Sensing techniques used by NASA for archeological research. Remote Sensing as used for archeological research Remote Sensing Arenal, Costa Rica Chaco Canyon, NM The Petén, Guatemala Archeology Home ESO Home Other Links Remote Sensing Tutorial Archeological Remote Sensing

How is remote sensing used in real life?

Remote sensing can be a discovery technique, since the computer can be programmed to look for distinctive “signatures” of energy emitted by a known site or feature in areas where surveys have not been conducted. Such “signatures” serve as recognition features or fingerprints.

How can radar be used for remote sensing?

Radar can penetrate darkness, cloud cover, thick jungle canopies, and even the ground. Remote sensing can be a discovery technique, since the computer can be programmed to look for distinctive “signatures” of energy emitted by a known site or feature in areas where surveys have not been conducted.

How are passive and active sensors used in remote sensing?

Remote sensing platforms typically use either a passive or active sensor. Passive sensors record electromagnetic radiation, which is reflected from the earth’s surface. Active sensors coat the earth’s surface in machine-made electromagnetic energy and record the quantity of radiant flux that is emitted back to the sensor.