Why is school cafeteria food bad?

Why is school cafeteria food bad?

Obesity, diabetes and even preliminary high blood pressure and eventual heart problems can begin with poor nutrition in schools. Additionally, kids eating high-fat, low-nutrition foods are more likely to perform less effectively on academic work at school.

How is school lunch so bad?

According to a 2008 study published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, diets with high levels of saturated fats may impair learning and memory. Many foods commonly served during school lunch, such as French fries, cheeseburgers, and chicken nuggets, are loaded with saturated fat.

How does unhealthy school lunches affect students?

Students eating healthy foods are found to be academically brighter. Unhealthy lunches decrease brain power and can also cause memory loss. Poor eating habits can also affect a child’s sleeping patterns, which may influence the student’s behavior and academic performance.

How do schools influence unhealthy eating?

beverages that are high in fat, sugar and calories, such items are more available and students consume more of them. Students also consume fewer healthier foods and beverages when schools offer unhealthy options. unhealthy snack foods in schools are associated with increased body mass index (BMI) among students.

How do school lunches affect academic performance?

We find that in years when a school contracts with a healthy lunch company, students at the school score better on end-of-year academic tests. Not only that, the test score increases are about 40 percent larger for students who qualify for reduced-price or free school lunches.

What are some good school lunch choices?

Good choices for a student’s lunch include raw vegetables, whole grains and lean meat or other protein sources. Include a light ranch dressing for vegetable dipping, and fill whole grain breads with protein-packed peanut butter.

How to improve American school lunches?

Getting a Better School Lunch Strive for a salad bar. “Getting kids to eat more vegetables and fruits is something we can all get behind,” Brown says. Check out new vendors. Get fresh and (really) local. Lengthen lunchtime. Slash waste.