How do you use legerdemain in a sentence?

How do you use legerdemain in a sentence?

Legerdemain in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.
  2. When the car salesman wanted to sell a car, he often used legerdemain to make individuals believe they were getting the best deal in town.

Where does the word legerdemain come from?

If you and some friends cook up a scheme that involves telling complicated lies so that you can stay out all night, you are guilty of legerdemain. The word comes from the French léger de main which means dexterous, or light of hand.

What is accounting legerdemain?

legerdemain • \lej-er-duh-MAYN\ • noun. 1 : sleight of hand 2 : a display of skill and adroitness. Examples: The company’s accountants used financial legerdemain to conceal its true revenues and avoided paying $2 million in taxes as a result. “

What is prestidigitation?

sleight of hand
Prestidigitation is the process of doing a magic trick by hand, also called “sleight of hand.” Digits are your fingers, so someone skilled at prestidigitation has some tricky fingers. One of the most famous prestidigitators in modern history was Howard Thurston, especially known for card tricks.

What does Suspiration mean?

: a long deep breath : sigh.

How do you use libertine in a sentence?

Libertine in a Sentence 🔉

  1. My Uncle Charles is a libertine who lives with his four girlfriends.
  2. Because Warren is a drunken libertine, he often comes into work with a hangover.
  3. Mitch is the libertine who stole money from the church’s collection plate.

What is Janus face?

Janus-faced • \JAY-nus-fayst\ • adjective. : having two contrasting aspects; especially : duplicitous, two-faced. Examples: The dancers wore grotesque Janus-faced masks, flashing faces of terror and pleasure as they twirled about the stage. “

What does the footlights mean?

In a theatre, the footlights are the row of lights along the front of the stage. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

What’s the definition of adages?

: a saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation She reminded him of the adage: “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

What does Haviour mean?

; possession
haviour in British English (ˈheɪvjə) noun. archaic. the fact of owning or having; possession.