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What does the word Cleido in its name tell us?
The first part of the word, sterno, comes from the Latin word “sternon” which relates to the sternum (the breastbone). The second part of the word, cleido, means clavicle, which is the collarbone. You could put all that together to get a muscle that attaches onto the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process.
What is Cleid?
cleid- (cleido-, clid-, clido-) combining form denoting the clavicle (collar bone).
What does Plegia mean in medical terms?
plegia: Suffix meaning paralysis or a stroke. As in cardioplegia (paralysis of the heart), hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body), paraplegia (paralysis of the legs), and quadriplegia (paralysis of all four extremities). From the Greek plege meaning a blow or stroke.
What does Brachi mean in medical terms?
Brachi- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “arm” or “upper arm.” It is often used in medical and scientific terms, especially in anatomy and in zoology. Brachi- comes from the Greek brachī́ōn, meaning “arm.” A medical term for the upper arm is brachium, from Latin and related to the Greek brachī́ōn.
Can you be born without collarbones?
Some people don’t develop collarbones; they can be born without them, have defective ones, or grow them at an older age. This abnormality is one of the symptoms of a rare disorder known as cleidocranial dysplasia. This condition consists of the malformation, delayed growth, or even absence of some bones and teeth.
What does mastoid mean?
(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : being the process of the temporal bone behind the ear also : being any of several bony elements that occupy a similar position in the skull of lower vertebrates. 2 : of, relating to, or occurring in the region of the mastoid process.
Is Clyde a word?
noun Slang. (sometimes initial capital letter) a stupid, inept, or boorish person. the brain or mind.
What does Glossoplegia mean?
A unilateral or bilateral paralysis of the tongue. From: glossoplegia in A Dictionary of Dentistry »
What does acusis mean?
sense of hearing
(1) Obsolete for the sense of hearing. (2) The Greek root for hearing, as in presby-acusis.
What is your Crural?
crural • \KRUR-ul\ • adjective. : of or relating to the thigh or leg; specifically : femoral.
What does the medical term Spondyl mean?
Combining form denoting VERTEBRA or vertebral.