What are the reactants in 2NaCl?
2Na (s) + Cl2 (g) 2NaCl (s) This can be understood by saying that two sodium atoms combine with one diatomic chlorine molecule to form two ionic units of sodium chloride.
What is the reactant in 2Na Cl2 2NaCl?
In your case, sodium metal, Na , reacts with chlorine gas, Cl2 , to form sodium chloride, NaCl .
Is NaCl a product or reactant?
A combination reaction is one in which two or more substances (the reactants) are combined directly to form a single product (the product). An example is the reaction in which sodium (Na) combines with chlorine (Cl 2 ) to form sodium chloride, or table salt (NaCl).
What are the products of NaCl?
The net process is the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of NaCl into industrially useful products sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and chlorine gas.
Are the properties of sodium the same as sodium chloride?
The compound composed of these ions exhibits properties entirely different from the properties of the elements sodium and chlorine. Chlorine is poisonous, but sodium chloride is essential to life; sodium atoms react vigorously with water, but sodium chloride simply dissolves in water.
Does a chemical reaction occur when silver nitrate is added to water?
False: A chemical reaction occurred when silver nitrate was added to water, The lack of temperature change indicates a chemical reaction didn’t occur, The initial disappearance of silver nitrate in water indicates a chemical reaction occurred.
Which is the reactant needed to form NaCl?
There are two reactants needed to form sodium chloride, NaCl. Sodium, which is a solid under normal conditions, and chlorine, a diatomic gas under normal conditions must react to form the NaCl which will be a solid under these conditions.
Why do we need coefficient of two for NaCl?
Therefore, we must include a coefficient of two in front of the sodium and the sodium chloride to achieve a balanced chemical equation. The links below show you more information about the two reactants as well as NaCl. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now.
Which is a diatomic gas, sodium or chlorine?
Sodium, which is a solid under normal conditions, and chlorine, a diatomic gas under normal conditions must react to form the NaCl which will be a solid under these conditions. The chlorine must be shown as a diatomic molecule because that is how it exists in nature.