What does spectacles mean in the dictionary?

What does spectacles mean in the dictionary?

anything presented to the sight or view, especially something of a striking or impressive kind: The stars make a fine spectacle tonight. a public show or display, especially on a large scale: The coronation was a lavish spectacle. spectacles. Often spectacles. something resembling spectacles in shape or function.

What does spectacle mean in a sentence?

The definition of a spectacle is something amazing, interesting or exciting to see that attracts attention. He made a spectacle out of himself.

What does magnificent spectacle mean?

adj. 1 splendid or impressive in appearance. 2 superb or very fine.

What does spectacle consist of?

An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light. An aid to the intellectual sight. A spyglass; a looking-glass.

Why are glasses called specs?

The word glasses probably developed firstly from the word spyglass, often used for a telescope, and then adapted to “a pair of eyeglasses” that needed to be held up to the eyes for full effect. It was only when the lenses were connected to arms hanging over the ears that the term “spectacles” came into being.

What is spectacle use for?

Eyeglasses, also called glasses or spectacles, lenses set in frames for wearing in front of the eyes to aid vision or to correct such defects of vision as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

What is spatial in English?

1 : relating to, occupying, or having the character of space. 2 : of, relating to, or involved in the perception of relationships (as of objects) in space tests of spatial ability spatial memory.

What country wears the most glasses?

This was followed by Switzerland at 67.7 percent and Norway at 66 percent….Share of individuals who wear spectacles in selected European countries in 2020.

Characteristic Individuals who wear spectacles
Switzerland 67.7%
Norway 66%
Finland 65%
Cyprus 65%

Who invented glasses for eyes?

Salvino D’Armate
Salvino D’Armate probably invented eyeglasses in around 1285, though various sources suggest an earlier origin. He shared the invention of his new device with Allesandro della Spina, an Italian monk, who made it public and is often credited with inventing eyeglasses.

Is it good to wear spectacles?

Because glasses help us to see better, we often find ourselves relying on them more or needing them more frequently than usual. For most of us, we simply conclude that the glasses are making our eyes worse. However, there is no correlation between worsening eyesight and increasing necessity for corrective lenses.

What does pair of spectacles mean?

pair of spectacles (Noun) A pair of lenses set in a frame worn on the nose and ears in order to correct deficiencies in eyesight or to ornament the face.

What is the plural of spectacles?

spectacles pl (plural only) plural of. (plural only, formal) A pair of lenses set in a frame worn on the nose and ears in order to correct deficiencies in eyesight or to ornament the face.

What is antonym for spectacles?

Antonyms for. Spectacles. Hold to adjust. modesties. n. naked eye. n. blindfold. blindness.

What is the plural of spectacle?

spectacle (plural spectacles) An exciting or extraordinary scene, exhibition, performance etc. The horse race was a thrilling spectacle. An embarrassing or unedifying scene or situation. He made a spectacle out of himself.