What factors influence the impact of a natural disaster?

What factors influence the impact of a natural disaster?

Certain factors present in poverty environments will turn a natural hazard into a disaster:

  • Poorly constructed buildings.
  • Poor sanitation.
  • Rapid population growth/high density population.
  • Limited resources for disaster response and rebuilding.
  • Lack of economic safety nets.

What are the physical effects of natural disasters?

4.1. Physical effect inventory

Physical effects Physical impact Examples of causal natural hazards
Striking Destruction/fracture/disconnection Water hammered by tsunami
Ground failure Liquefaction by earthquake
Vibration/fluctuation/oscillation Ground tremors by earthquake
Overvoltage Lightning strike

What determines the physical impact of a disaster?

Specifically, Figure 6-1 indicates the effects of a disaster are determined by three preimpact conditions—hazard exposure, physical vulnerability, and social vulnerability. There also are three event-specific conditions, hazard event characteristics, improvised disaster responses, and improvised disaster recovery.

What are the major impacts of disaster on development process?

[Google Scholar]) argue that disasters affect human development by bringing about substantial damage, including death and destruction, to human and physical assets. They can dramatically reduce nutrition, education, health and many income-generating processes.

What are the factors affecting a disaster?

Disaster knowledge factors are classified into several categories based on their characteristics: Technological, Social, Environmental, Legal, Economical, Operational/ Managerial, Institutional and Political.

How does disaster affect people’s lives?

In a disaster, you face the danger of death or physical injury. You may also lose your home, possessions, and community. Such stressors place you at risk for emotional and physical health problems. Stress reactions after a disaster look very much like the common reactions seen after any type of trauma.

How is human health affected by disasters?

Disasters have direct and indirect effects on the health systems. Death, injury, psychological damages, disability, acute and chronic diseases, infectious diseases, the loss of active work force, destruction of health centers and infrastructures, loss of traditional ways of life and work are among these effects [22] .

What are the 3 effects of disaster?

Disasters may be explosions, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornados, or fires. In a disaster, you face the danger of death or physical injury. You may also lose your home, possessions, and community. Such stressors place you at risk for emotional and physical health problems.

What are the factors affecting disaster?

What are the social impacts of a disaster?

Trauma and grief will put personal, family and community relationships under pressure. The mental health impacts of disasters can lead to an increase in problematic alcohol and drug use, self-harm, violence and abuse – which may well act as early warning signs.

What are the dangers of development?

Dangers of development is the possibility of losing something of value. When the values are physical health, social status, financial wealth that can be gained when taking a dangerous result from given inaction, foreseen or unforeseen.

What are the social impacts of natural disasters?

Injuries sustained, during disaster events, exposure to weather hazards (this may be linked to damages to dwelling units), aggravation of poor sanitation, pollution of water sources all impact negatively on the physical and psychological health status of the people affected by natural disasters.