Who was Whitney Houston best friend?

Who was Whitney Houston best friend?

Robyn Crawford
Book Interview With Whitney Houston’s Best Friend Robyn Crawford : Code Switch : NPR. Book Interview With Whitney Houston’s Best Friend Robyn Crawford : Code Switch From the day they met as teenagers, Robyn Crawford was by Whitney Houston’s side.

What was Whitney Houston’s favorite flower?

She Had Her Favorites | 20 Things You May Not Know About Whitney Houston | Purple Clover.

How many pages is a song?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781524742850
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 11/10/2020
Pages: 336
Sales rank: 135,241

Did Whitney wear wigs?

Oddly, a wig was sewn onto her existing hair, which was in a shiny condition. Her eyebrows were “sparse,” the coroner noted, but her hair was still full, black and wavy with “no baldness.”

What kind of m and MS did Whitney Houston like?

It doesn’t really matter whether Whitney Houston preferred peanut M&Ms or the regular milk chocolate kind, though. She just had good taste, overall. In fact, she apparently requested M&Ms in addition to a few other candies while performing music throughout Southeast Asia. Houston liked her dressing room to stay stocked with sweets. 9.

What foods did Whitney Houston eat the most?

1 Tomato Soup. 2 Sweet and Sour Chicken and Shrimp. 3 Hamburger and Fries. 4 Turkey Sandwiches and Jalapenos. 5 Sushi. 6 Fruity Pebbles. 7 Candied Yams. 8 M&Ms. 9 Peanut Butter and Jelly. 10 Raisinets.

What did Whitney Houston’s mother make for the holidays?

One source noted that Whitney Houston’s mother, Grammy-award-winning singer Cissy Houston, made candied yams every year during the holiday season. Apparently, the dessert-like dish was a beloved family favorite. No one in the family ever forgot Cissy’s brown sugar and butter recipe either.

What kind of jelly did Whitney Houston like?

Whitney Houston did have a jelly preference, though. The singer liked when peanut butter and jelly were readily available. During music tours, Houston had an extra special request. All of her PB&J sandwiches absolutely had to have Welch’s grape jelly.